Monday, April 19, 2010

Yes, the little things can make a big difference!

Yes, the little things can make a big difference!  That is what I always tell people when they say it is so hard to be "green". I ask them if they recycle, and they say it is so hard.... so I tell them do they drop paper off at school and they say yes, so I acknowledge them and say "see, you HAVE made a difference" and then I add something like, have you changed your light bulbs. It is so expensive (same cry) and I say to them, well, don't do it all at once, change 2 a month. They last for years so you wont have to replace those ones again for a looooong time. That way you can save and make a difference..... turn down your geyser, get tap inserts that use less hot water and save energy that way, put in a loo plunger lever that allows you to flush only what you need and not the whole lot. Small inexpensive ways to make a difference. And I have not had one person yet who has not done it.

Same application with what I am doing, make it presentable, give the viewer a taste of what that company does (product or service) and contact details immediately with no extra clicks because time spent on the computer is non-products and uses energy.  I use that airline ad example ...... I only vant to hear von click! scenario. The facebook and twitter connections are just a little way that I can make a difference to people finding what they are looking for and providing my client with more exposure.
From...Dee Nangle